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Hebgen Basin Fire District

Providing emergency services within the Hebgen Basin


Community Training

The HBFD offers CPR classes in the community.  The cost is $35 which is payable the day of the class.  Please bring your check, cash, or money order to class to receive your card.  Credit cards are accepted but an additional 3%  fee is added for processing.  If you would like to take part in a CPR class please call (406) 646-9094 or e-mail     


Are You Prepared?   ​

  • As we transition into our Fall/Winter seasons, it's a great time to focus on our Home Fire Safety!
  • Take the time to check your Smoke Detectors.
  • If you have a wood stove, make sure your Chimney is clean.
  • Do not overload your outlets 







Educating Our Youth

The HBFD believes in educating our youth.  Station 1 is often visited by the local cub scouts and Little Rangers Learning Center where staff members give them a tour of the station, fire trucks, and ambulances.  In June of 2019 The District was awarded grant funding from FM Global  to add Sparky the Fire Dog to our team. 

  If you're interested in organizing a youth presentation, please contact the fire station at or 406-646-909.



Thanks to funding from Montana Community Foundation and the ATT&T Public Hero Scholarship our crew was able to complete Ice Rescue training from Whitewater Rescue Institute on Hebgen Lake in February.